Workshop: North-South Connections in the Late Middle Ages
The aim of this Workshop is to promote the criticism in young medievalists in order to improve their researches. We encourage postgraduate students interested in connections between North and South in the Late Middle Ages, to participate and send a proposal paper. Scientific committee will choose those to be explained as an oral paper in the Workshop. They will be published as monographic volume of AMEA (International Journal of Atlantic Europe in the Middle Ages)
Workshop will take place in University of Cantabria (Santander, Spain), on 26 and 27 May. Speakers should be adjusted to the practical spirit of the Workshop. So, they should deal with the following subjects:
•Current status of the issue
•Sources and Methodology
•Obtained results
The time for each oral paper will be 15 minutes. Later, one commentator will ask some questions (less of 10 minutes) and the communicants will can reply for 5 minutes. Finally, there will be a debate about all works led by a commentator (1 hour).
CALL FOR PAPERS We are seeking proposals of 150-300 words about different aspects of connections between North and South in Late Middle Ages to be presented at the workshop. Proposed papers will be accepted until 31 March 2011 at 23:59. Authors should send a text about their paper (with texts, maps, images or others materials) before 16 April 2011.
Interested can contact with Javier Añíbarro Rodríguez
Universidad de Cantabria. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras.
Avenida Los Castros s/n 39005
Santander. Spain
Organised by University of Cantabria in collaboration with University of Valladolid and University of Basque Country (Research projects: Ciudades y villas portuarias en la articulación del litoral atlántico en la Edad Media (HAR2009-08474) – UC; Poder, Sociedad y Fiscalidad en las merindades de Palencia, Burgos y Valladolid en la época trastámara (HAR2008-05841-Co2-01) – UVa; Poder, Sociedad y Fiscalidad en las merindades de allende Ebro y La Rioja durante el reinado de la dinsatía Trastamara (HAR2008-05841) – UPV). Sponsored by Faculty of Arts, (University of Cantabria) and Histar (Research group of History and Archaeology of Ancient and Medieval World)
Attendence at the Workshop is free of charge