Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"Shakespeare and Ethics" 2011 OVSC (Michigan State U) 11/3-5/11 (Abstracts due 6/5 or 8/28)

A Call for Papers
NOVEMBER 3-5, 2011
The planning committee of the Ohio Valley Shakespeare Conference is seeking abstracts and paper proposals that investigate questions of ethics in the work of Shakespeare and his contemporaries. We’re thinking of ethics in a broad sense, to include issues of gender, race, class, culture, religion, labor, economics, justice, environmentalism, and nature. Papers might consider issues of ethics as they are reflected upon within a particular play or more broadly within the dramatic and poetic works of Shakespeare and his contemporaries, and may take up questions concerning the role of Shakespeare as a cultural icon and literary figure, his works within the performance tradition or in the English and global literary canons, and in relation to early modern as well as contemporary values.
Abstracts or proposals are due by June 5, 2011 (early decision) or August 28th (final deadline). All inquiries should be directed to: Sandra Logan logans@msu.edu or c/o Department of English / 201 Morrill Hall / Michigan State University / 48824. E-mail abstracts to logans@msu.edu with the subject line OVSC Proposal. Please include contact information, academic affiliation, if any, and status: independent, faculty, grad student, or undergrad.
Keynote Speakers:
Emily Bartels – Professor of English, Rutgers University. She is the author of Speaking of the Moor: Alcazar to Othello (2008), and Spectacles of Strangeness: Imperialism, Alienation, and Marlowe (1993), and extensive publications on critical race studies in the early modern period, as well as questions of early modern gender and desire. She is currently working on a monograph on Intertextual Shakespeare.
Bradin Cormack – Associate Professor of English, University of Chicago. He is the author of A Power to Do Justice: Jurisdiction, English Literature, and the Rise of Common Law, 1509–1625 (2007), and a wide range of publications on law, drama, and poetry in the work of Shakespeare and other early modern authors.
OVSC invites graduate and undergraduate students to compete for the M. R. Smith Prize. Select conference proceedings are published in a juried, online journal.
Visit our website (which will soon be updated) for information about events and entertainments during the conference: http://www.marietta.edu/~engl/OVSC/