Shakespeare Bulletin - Special Theatre Reviews Section - Spring 2012
We are soliciting reviews of the BEST and the WORST productions of Shakespeare and other early modern drama in the first decade of the twenty-first century.
The theatre reviews section in the Spring 2012 issue of Shakespeare Bulletin will follow a somewhat unusual format. We would like to run approximately forty very short production-reviews that, in the aggregate, give some sense of the range of productions, and vivid responses to them, positive and negative, over the last ten years.
Reviews may not be longer than 500 words. The idea behind this length requirement is to encourage formal and stylistic innovation as well as a high degree of focus. Detailed descriptions of production design, casting, plot development, etc., are not required--not least because many of the productions noted will likely have been reviewed previously in the pages of SB. We encourage reviewers to find exciting ways of conveying the one or two things that made a given production linger in the memory.
Each review should be prefaced by a short headnote giving the play title, the name of the company that produced it, the venue in which it was produced, and the year of its production.
Reviewers may submit multiple reviews. All submissions are, of
course, subject to editorial review before being accepted.
Please send reviews by email to the theatre review editor,Jeremy Lopez:
Reviews may be submitted any time before October 31, 2011.
SHAKESPEARE BULLETIN is a peer-reviewed academic journal of performance criticism and scholarship, published quarterly by Johns Hopkins University Press.