Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tudor and Stuart Ireland: Culture, Identity and Power. An interdisciplinary conference. University College Dublin, 2 - 3 September 2011.

The Tudor and Stuart Ireland Conference will take place in University College Dublin on Friday and Saturday, 2 - 3 September 2011. Registration is NOW OPEN.
Early Modern Ireland is a flourishing field of research and this conference will provide all scholars interested in the period with an opportunity to share their ideas in an interdisciplinary forum.
Details of the conference programme, speaker biographies and abstracts are now available on our website.
Speakers will include:
Prof. Ciaran Brady (TCD)
Prof. Nicholas Canny (NUIG)
Dr Bernadette Cunningham (RIA)
Prof. Raymond Gillespie (NUIM)
Prof. Marian Lyons (NUIM)
Prof. Mary O'Dowd (QUB)

Tudor and Stuart Ireland Conference, 
c/o School of History and Archives, 
University College Dublin, 
Dublin 4, 
Visit the website at