Tuesday, July 5, 2011
0th Medieval English Studies Symposium (MESS10): Princes and Paupers: Class, Money and (social and physical) Otherness in medieval and medievalist literature in English.
10th Medieval English Studies Symposium, organised by the School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University will be held in Poznań from 19-20 November, 2011. Mess 10th welcomes papers in both areas, literary and linguistic studies. The literary section concerns mostly class and wealth and their literary representations in the form of endorsements as well as admonitions. Princes and Paupers feature in secular literature of advice as well as in religious works on sins and transgressions, both types offering insight into the nature of medieval social life. We will welcome papers in these and all other areas of research connected with medieval English literature and language. 500-word abstracts should be submitted by the end of August 2011, preferably by e-mail (mess@ifa.amu.edu.pl).