Friday, January 7, 2011

Ancient Rome and Early Modern England: History, Politics, and Political Thought

Ancient Rome was a source of endless fascination to the early moderns. Historians, politicians, divines, and imaginative writers looked to the Roman example for models and inspiration. This international conference reassesses the place of ancient Rome in the political culture of late Tudor and early Stuart England. What was the impact of the Roman precedent on attitudes towards constitutional change, the rights and wrongs of empire, and the law? How did it influence ecclesiastical policy and, more generally, the views of the relationship between church and state? In what ways did Roman historiography, political writings, and rhetoric shape the language and substance of public argument? How did the Roman legacy compare with that of ancient Greece?

Speakers include: Annabel Brett, Anthony Grafton, Paulina Kewes, Eric Nelson, Markku Peltonen, Malcolm Smuts, Freyja Cox Jensen, Patricia Osmond, Nick Popper, and Arthur Williamson.

Venue: The Huntington Library, San Marino, CA
Dates: 21-22 January 2011