Friday, October 29, 2010

Early Modern Migrations: Exiles, Expulsion, & Religious Refugees 1400-1700
The early modern period witnessed a dramatic increase in the migration, expulsion and exile of social groups and individuals around the globe. The physical movements of religious refugees triggered widespread, ongoing migrations that shaped both the contours of European colonialist expansion and the construction of regional, national and religious identities. Human movements (both real and imagined) also animated material culture; the presence of bodies, buildings, texts, songs and relics shaped and reshaped the host societies into which immigrants entered. Following exiles and their diasporic communities across Europe and the world enables our exploration of a broad range of social, cultural, linguistic and artistic dynamics, and invites us to reconsider many of the conceptual frameworks by which we understand the ‘Renaissance’ and ‘Reformation’.
This conference invites a sustained, comparative and interdisciplinary exploration of the phenomenon and cultural representation of early modern migrations. It also aims to consider how the transmission and translation of material, textual and cultural practices create identity and cross-cultural identifications in contexts animated by the tension between location and dislocation. While often driven by exclusion and intolerance, the exile/refugee experience also encouraged emerging forms of toleration, multiculturalism and notions of cosmopolitanism. In a period in which mobility was a way of life for many, identifications rooted in location were often tenuously sustained even as they could be forcibly asserted in cultural representation.
Deadline for Submissions: 31 January 2011.
The link to the page for submissions is:
For more information, please contact:
Marjorie Rubright
Nicholas Terpstra
Stephanie Treloar

Evidence and the Early Modern Period (Feb. 18-19, 2011)

Call for Papers
Evidence and the Early Modern Period
A conference held by the Early Modern Colloquium
The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
February 18-19, 2011
Keynote speakers: Mary Floyd-Wilson (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Kathy Eden (Columbia University)
This conference will center on questions pertaining to the status of evidence in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Participants are invited to investigate how early modern culture employed evidence in the (by no means wholly distinct) fields of art, demonology, history, law, literature, math, medicine, music, performance, philosophy, politics, religion, and science. The conference will explore the connections and distinctions between various types of evidence—e.g., aesthetic, empirical, humanistic, legal, medical, rationalistic, rhetorical, and scientific—deployed in the period. How did the use of evidence trouble or define the boundaries between fields? How did evidence appear in diverse genres? The conference will also attempt to delineate the systems of thought upon which various epistemological praxes were predicated and those, in turn, that these praxes sustained. Relatedly, it will evaluate relationships between evidence and authority. In summary, the conference will ask: How did early modern individuals and collectives know? In what terms—explicit or implicit—did they demarcate what there was to know?
Additionally, the conference will consider what counts as evidence in arguments waged by contemporary scholars of the early modern period. How might contemporary conceptions of evidence affect our approaches to understanding prior evidentiary protocols and regimes? How might a careful review of this evidence illuminate further issues at stake? We welcome submissions that address these or other questions related to this topic.
The Early Modern Colloquium is a graduate interdisciplinary group at the University of Michigan. It will give priority to abstracts submitted by graduate students. Please send 250-300 word proposals to Angela Heetderks, Leila Watkins, and Sarah Linwick at by December 10, 2010.

Renaissance Translations, KFLC April 14-16, 2011

"Renaissance Translations"
The Renaissance has traditionally been considered a period of rebirth, a truism that has come increasingly under critical scrutiny. How, instead, might translation work as a defining rubric for the sixteenth century in France: as a period that witnessed a systematic and widespread translation of the past and of other cultures into new languages, forms, and genres? How were classical, antique, and medieval works and ideas resuscitated and recuperated for varied purposes in the sixteenth century in ways that masqueraded as “mere” linguistic translation but in fact served as cultural, intellectual, and political appropriation? How does translation as an intellectual and cultural operation occlude other processes of appropriation? Possible topics include: uses of the past; the rise of the vernacular; the relationship of French to Latin and/or other vernaculars; translation practice; the relationship between translation and projects of adaptation and imitation; translation as a metaphor for broader processes of cultural appropriation.
Please send 250-word abstract for 20-25 minute paper to Katherine Kong ( by November 8, 2010.
For more information on the KFLC, see:

Memory and Forgetting in the French Renaissance

Many have remarked at the tendency of French Renaissance literature to commemorate past experience. Modern thought tends in the opposite direction, relegating prior experience to oblivion. Sixteenth-century French literature attempts to reconcile the two divergent tendencies, and perhaps for that reason has been dubbed the “early modern” period. Furthermore, the early modern treatment of memory and forgetfulness are determined by various theories from mythology to Christian ideology to medieval humeral philosophy. Through such theories the two are either diametrically opposed or inextricably intertwined and memory becomes aligned with morality and the soul whereas forgetting is associated with morality depravity and the body. At first glance it seems that the art of forgetting is overshadowed by the art of remembering in the literature of the period, but memory and forgetting are, in fact, mutually dependent. On the most basic level, the same fear of passing time and eventual death which inspired the countless carpe diem poems also motivated poets to create testaments to their lives to ensure that they not be forgotten.
We welcome proposals on French literature from the 16th Century / Renaissance that fall within the conference topic. Please send 500-words to Brooke Di Lauro ( by November 1, 2010.

Call for Editors Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal

Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal
The Center for Renaissance & Baroque Studies at the University of Maryland, original publishers of Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal, officially closed July 23, 2010 due to budget cuts. The Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (ACMRS) at Arizona State University will take over the publication of the journal as well as its entire management, including the Managing Editor position. It will also continue the production, design, and distribution work they have provided since 2007. Several Arizona faculty have also agreed to serve on the Editorial Board.
The founding editors—Jane Donawerth and Adele Seeff of the University of Maryland and Diane Wolfthal of Rice University—and the Director of ACMRS—Robert E. Bjork—are seeking an editorial team of two or three editors in different fields of early modern women’s or gender studies to preserve the interdisciplinary character of EMWJ. Proposals should therefore come from a pair or team of potential editors.
The team of editors would be responsible for reviewing submissions, choosing outside readers, offering editorial suggestions, assembling and sending suggestions from editors and readers to authors, sending essays to the Editorial Board for votes, inviting some submissions, overseeing the choice of the annual Forum topic, sending finished revisions to ACMRS for copy-editing, meeting annually with the EMWJ Editorial Board and reporting to the Society for the Study of Early Modern Women at the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference or the Attending to Women Symposium, and other tasks related to the pre-publication phase of a scholarly journal.
Editors will be expected to deliver the final edited copy of each issue to ACMRS by July 1, in time for an October publication date. Editors should expect an average of six hours of pro bono work each week year-round, with fluctuations over the course of the year.
All managing and editing responsibilities will be handled by ACMRS: subscription records and bookkeeping, logging submissions and reviews, receiving and mailing books for reviews, advertisements, copy-editing, typesetting, final proofreading, printing, etc.
The ideal proposal will come from a team of editors who are specialists in early modern women’s or gender studies and whose disciplines balance literature and history (or art history or music, etc.). The editorial team should have strong support from a Chair, Dean, or Provost. Ideal candidates will hold a Ph. D. in the humanities and have a strong sense of the scholarly traditions of gender and early modern studies and its future.
Preferably, new editors would begin the transition during the winter of 2011 and would take over formally by June 30, 2011. Some flexibility is possible. The current editors will be available for advice and support to ease the transition.
Please send a statement describing your interest and qualifications to:
Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal
0139 Taliaferro Hall
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Electronic submissions also are welcomed at
Applications should include:
1. Statement of interest
2. Current CVs for all editors
3. Signed letter of support from a Chair, Dean, or Provost (support might include financial support, travel funds, a staff person, graduate assistant, or work-study student, etc.)
4. Indication of possible start date, preferably before June 30, 2011.
Editing experience is desirable but not required. A commitment to the field of Early Modern Women and Gender Studies and to collaborative scholarship is essential.
DEADLINE for application: December 1, 2010
For more information about the Journal please see,, or contact the journal at

Thursday, October 7, 2010


The Canonbury Masonic Research Centre (CMRC) is pleased to announce the program for its twelfth annual conference on the theme of 'Anti-Masonry' scheduled for 29/30-31 October, 2010.
Soon after its emergence in early Hanoverian London, organised Freemasonry earned the enmity of both religious institutions and governments alike, and by the summer of 1738 the association had been proscribed by the Magistrate in The Hague, the French government of Cardinal Fleury, and by Pope Clement XII, in what was to be the first of many Papal Bulls issued against the order. In the wake of the French revolution of 1789, polemicists such as the Catholic priest, Abbé Barruel, accused the Freemasons of helping to bring about these momentous events, and within a few years a Jewish component had been introduced to this heady tale. It was an elaboration that was to have disastrous consequences.
During the nineteenth century Freemasonry also found itself accused of fomenting the European revolutions of 1848 and a highly successful anti-masonic party was established in the United States. By the close of century, the story that Freemasonry was somehow intertwined with Jewish interests (what American historian Gabriel Jackson termed 'The Black Legend') had metamorphosed into one of the most outlandish conspiracy tales of all time - The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. This notorious forgery of the Tsarist Secret Police - an imagined blueprint for Judeo-Masonic world domination - was eagerly embraced by the European Fascist regimes, and it helped prepare the ground for the Holocaust as well as the imprisonment and execution of thousands of Freemasons, along with the targeted theft of vast masonic archives, many of which are still being restituted to their original owners today. In post-war Europe the publication and appeal of the Protocols dwindled, although in the case of Spain General Franco continued to maintain a belief in the existence an imaginary Bolshevik-Masonic complot until his death in 1975. And today, this infamous document is still viewed as genuine in many parts of the world, particularly in the Middle East where it is typically used to justify an over-arching anti-Western rhetoric. But while the anti-Jewish or anti-Zionist aspects of this phenomenon are frequently discussed by academics, the anti-masonic element is all too often ignored.
Consequently, this international conference aims to address this neglected topic in all its aspects.
For further information please email: or telephone 00 44 (0)20 7226 6256
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 29 October
The conference will commence with a rare showing of 'Les Forces Occultes' - a feature length anti-masonic film made in wartime occupied France (1943) complete with English subtitles - at University College London.

Saturday 30 October 09:00 Registration and coffee
09:50 Official opening
10:00 The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Professor Michael Hagemeister, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
10:45 Morning coffee
11:15 Chair: Professor Andrew Prescott, Hatii, University of Glasgow
Anti-masonry and masonic trans-nationalism: a complex interplay Dr. Joachim Berger, Institute of European History, Mainz
Blaming the Great War on the masons' entente: Friedrich Wichtl, 1872-1921
Dr. Reinhard Markner, Berlin
The anti-masonic writings of General Erich Ludendorff
Jimmy Köppen, Free University of Brussels
Anti-masonry as political protest: Fascist attitudes to Freemasonry in interwar Romania
Roland Clark, University of Pittsburgh
12:35 Panel discussion
13:00 Lunch
14:15 Keynote: Franco's persecution of Freemasonry
Professor José Antonio Ferrer Benimeli, University of Zaragoza
15:00 Afternoon Tea
15.30 Chair: Dr. Andreas Önnerfors, University of Sheffield
'Anti-masonry' in nineteenth-century Ottoman Lebanon: an offensive against Anglo-Saxon and protestant missionaries?
Said Chaa EPHE/Sorbonne Paris
Anti-masonry among the Ottomans and in contemporary Turkey
Professor Thierry Zarcone, CNRS/Sorbonne Paris
Trends of anti-masonry in Eastern Orthodox cultures
Dr. Yuri Stoyanov, Research Fellow, SOAS, University of London
'The Devil's sons': one century of anti-masonry in the Arab world
Stephan Schmid, American University of Beirut
16:50 Panel discussion
17:30 Close
19:00 Dinner
Sunday 31 October
10:00 Keynote: Professor John Robison (1739-1805)
Professor Andrew Prescott, Hatii, University of Glasgow
10:45 Morning coffee
11:15 Chair: Professor Jeffrey Tyssens, Free University of Brussels
The reception of anti-masonry in the eighteenth-century English press
Dr. Róbert Péter, Senior Assistant Professor, University of Szeged
Barruel's conspiracy theory - a theoretical approach
Claus Oberhauser, University of Innsbruck
A Swedish diplomat's recently deciphered perspective on the Unlawful Societies Act of 1799
Dr. Andreas Önnerfors, University of Sheffield
'The voice of Morgan's blood cries from the ground': reading American anti-masonry through anti-masonic almanacs, 1827-1837
Jeff Croteau, MA MLS, National Heritage Museum, Lexington MA
12:35 Panel discussion
13:00 Lunch
14:15 Keynote: War on Freemasons: The restitution of stolen masonic archives from Russia
Dr. Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute
15:00 Afternoon tea
15:30 Chair: Dr. Tim Baycroft, University of Sheffield
Anti-masonic thought in France: the example of Bernard Faÿ Jen Farrar, University of Sheffield
Visual evidence used by Franco's Police in the persecution of Spanish Freemasons
Dr. Sylvia Hottinger, Carlos III University, Madrid
Stolen truth or truth stolen?
Dr. Hans Kummerer, Quatuor Coronati Research Lodge, Austria
The ongoing restitution of the Norwegian masonic library and archives
Helge Bjørn Horrisland, Norwegian Order of Freemasons
16:30 Panel discussion
17:00 Close

The Sincerest Form: Literary Imitation, Adaptation, and Parody

The Sincerest Form: Literary Imitation, Adaptation, and Parody
Notre Dame English Graduate Student Conference
University of Notre Dame
South Bend, Indiana
March 3-4, 2011
Keynote Speaker: Professor Julie Sanders, University of Nottingham

From mash-up videos to Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, the refashioning of cultural artifacts is a primary mode of artistic expression in the twenty-first century. Such appropriative strategies are part of a long literary tradition, one shared by writers as diverse as Geoffrey Chaucer, Carlo Goldoni, Bertolt Brecht, and Jean Rhys. This graduate student conference will explore how writers from around the world reimagine European literature through imitation, adaptation, and parody, from the Middle Ages to the present. These texts, which often cross temporal, spatial, linguistic, and cultural boundaries, raise intriguing questions about the relationships between the past and the present, centers of power and peripheries, the canonical and the non-canonical, and the highbrow and the lowbrow. In addition, we will examine the role that these texts play in cultural interchange within Europe and between Europe and the rest of the world. We will consider as well how these texts disrupt traditional Western notions of intellectual property rights.
A keynote address will be given by Julie Sanders, Professor of English Literature and Drama at the University of Nottingham. Professor Sanders is the author of "Novel Shakespeares: Twentieth-Century Women Novelists and Appropriation" (2001), "Adaptation and Appropriation" (2005), and "Shakespeare and Music: Afterlives and Borrowings" (2007), and serves on the editorial board of "Adaptation," Oxford University Press’s journal on literature and film.
The conference will include a roundtable on the pedagogy of imitations, adaptations, and parodies. The roundtable participants are Professor Sanders; Professor John Sitter, chair of the English Department at the University of Notre Dame; and Dr. Abigail Palko, Director of Undergraduate Studies for the Gender Studies Program at the University of Notre Dame.
Please send abstracts to Lauren Rich at by December 17, 2010. Abstracts should be no more than 300 words for papers 15-20 minutes in length.
For more information, please contact James Creech ( or Lauren Rich (

Performance Studies Focus Group Call for Proposals-ATHE 2011 Chicago

Call for Proposals: PSFG/ATHE 2011
The Performance Studies Focus Group (PSFG) of the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) invites session proposals for the 2011 25th Anniversary Conference at the Palmer House Hilton Hotel in Chicago, 11-14 August on the conference theme of "Performance Remains, Global Presence: Memory, Legacy, and Imagined Futures."
Beyond the discipline of Performance Studies, what lies ahead? Where might the academy's move toward interdisciplinarity take Performance Studies and/or what influence might Performance Studies have had on the academy's changing view of the discipline? Because Performance Studies is predicated upon being wide-ranging, can it approach legacy? How might we explore the tensions within our own imagined community by thinking about the temporal confines of our field? Additionally, where might our individual research break new ground? How indeed do we incorporate past methodologies into our present work? PSFG invites submissions that embrace the discipline's past as well as envision its future. Taking Performance Studies in the larger scope of an institutional move toward hybridity, what remains?
All session proposals are filed electronically directly to ATHE. A link to the session proposal form, along with full explanations, can be found at All session proposals have a deadline of 1 November.
ATHE also accepts proposals for Multidisciplinary (MD) sessions. Multidisciplinary panels must be sponsored by three different focus groups. All MD session organizers must contact the Conference Planners of all three sponsoring groups before submitting their session directly to ATHE. If you would like to learn more about ATHE Focus Groups, go to: All session proposals are due by 1 November.
While individual papers will receive consideration, submissions that pull together a strong panel of participants are preferred. With individual papers, the Focus Group Conference Planner will curate panels, attempting to match up related papers. In order to facilitate this process, these papers must be received directly by the Conference Planner Megan Shea at, by October 10th. Individual paper proposals should include title, contact information, and an abstract of 250 words.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact:
Megan Shea
PSFG Conference Planner
Expository Writing Program
New York University
411 Lafayette Street
New York, NY 10003

CFP Purdue Comitatus Grad Conference, Feb 4-5th, 2011

Dear All,
I am pleased to announce that the 9th Annual Comitatus Graduate
Student Medieval Conference will be held at Purdue University, West
Lafayette, Indiana, on Feb 4th-5th, 2011.
9th Comitatus Graduate Conference on Medieval Studies, Purdue
University, West Lafayette, Indiana, Feb. 4-5th, 2011.
Comitatus, the Purdue Medieval Studies Graduate Student Organization,
is pleased to announce its ninth annual Graduate Conference on
Medieval Studies to be held on February 4-5, 2011. The theme of this
year’s conference is "The History of the Book: Texts and Reception,"
and it will feature a keynote address from Kathryn Kerby-Fulton, The
Notre Dame Professor of English at the University of Notre Dame.
Kerby-Fulton has written many works on manuscript studies, religious
writers and visionaries, and textual reception, and is author of
_Books Under Suspicion: Censorship and Tolerance of Revelatory Writing
in Late Medieval England_ (Winner of the 2007 Snow Prize from the
North American Conference on British Studies, as well as the Medieval
Academy of America Haskins Gold Medal in 2010).
We invite submissions of abstracts for papers on any area of the
history of the book and its reception in the medieval to the early
modern period. Possible themes include but are not limited to:
1. Textual studies of manuscripts and early printed books
2. The material culture surrounding the text
3. The history of textual dissemination and its impact
4. The contents of libraries
5. Textual illuminations, artwork, and its relationship to text
6. Cultural support for literary production
7. The relationship between the text and the reader
8. Reception theory
9. Book or textual fetishism
10. Trust in the written record
11. Religious and secular theories of the book
12. The social life of texts
13. Marginalia and glosses
14. Medieval literacy and the text
15. Sponsored educational and literacy programs and the use of the text
16. Renaissances and renewals, and their impact on readers and texts
17. Political uses for the text and literacy
18. Writing and memory
Please submit an abstract of approximately 200 words to by Dec. 1st, 2010.
Please see for
further details and for registration.
Warm Regards,
Chad Judkins
Comitatus President
Doctoral Student
English Medieval Literature
Purdue University
Heavilon 209/SC G025

Medicine at the margins: ideas, knowledge and practice from c. 1500 to 2000

Medicine at the margins: ideas, knowledge and practice from c. 1500 to 2000
Friday, April 15th 2011. University of Glamorgan, Wales, UK.
A conference jointly organised by the Department of History and the Research Centre for Literature, Arts and Science (RCLAS) and supported by a grant from the Wellcome Trust.
Throughout the history of medicine there has always been knowledge and practices considered to be (or portrayed as) outside the normal or orthodox: these include early modern popular and magical healing, mesmerism, ‘quack’ remedies, and alternative or complementary medicine. They have all existed at the boundaries of acceptability and legitimacy, and these boundaries have frequently shifted. Similarly, some illnesses have placed patients beyond the margins of acceptability. Mental health problems, sexually-transmitted diseases and conditions incurring great disfigurement have all been intertwined with social concepts of the taboo .
What exactly can be found at these margins of medicine, and who determined them? How did practitioners and patients understand unorthodox practices, and how did this affect the treatment choices they made? Were patients and practitioners prepared to subvert social and cultural expectations in order to treat disease? How far have patients hidden or disguised the symptoms of a taboo illness, and how have doctors reacted to patients with shameful or forbidden illnesses? How were such practices culturally represented?
This conference offers the opportunity to bring fresh insight to the energetic debates about the concepts of ‘orthodox’ and ‘unorthodox’ in medicine by exploring the peripheries of the medical experience through history and its cultural forms. We welcome proposals for papers on any of the following themes, or others which potential participants recognise as relevant to the conference:
• Relationships between the medical orthodoxy and laity
• The impact of folklore in medical history
• Sufferers’ experiences and narratives of unorthodox medicine
• Geographical margins, such as rural areas and provincial towns
• Concepts of health, well-being and disability through time
• Taboo illnesses or afflictions
• Self-inflicted injury
• Status illnesses or injuries
• Representations of health and medicine in art and literature
• Medicine and colonial expansion
• Medicine and ethnology
Please send proposals of no more than 200 words, with a brief personal CV of 50 words by January 30th 2011 to Dr Alun Withey, History ( and Professor Andrew Smith, RCLAS (

Graduate and early career research call for papers: Shakespeare: Sources and Adaptation, 9th-11th September 2011

Graduate and early career research call for papers:
Shakespeare: Sources and Adaptation
The University of Cambridge
9th-11th September 2011
In association with the Cambridge University English Faculty, Cambridge Marlowe Dramatic Society and Association for Adaptation.
Proposals for graduate and early career research academic papers are invited on various aspects of the topic: Shakespeare: Sources and Adaptation, including:
* Beyond Shakespeare Adaptation
* Shakespeare for children and young people
* Shakespeare's Classical sources
* Shakespeare's Historical sources
* Shakespeare in Art
* Shakespeare in Music
* Shakespeare on film and television
* Foreign language adaptations of Shakespeare
* Shakespeare's influence on contemporary playwrights
* Shakespeare in 20th and 21st century fiction
The conference is aimed at academics, theatre and film practitioners and teachers. Confirmed plenary speakers include: Carol Ann Duffy, Michael Rosen, Professor Helen Cooper, Professor Stephen Greenblatt, a panel of directors of the BBC Shakespeare Series led by former controller of BBC 1 Jonathan Powell and a panel of actors (including Imogen Stubbs) discussing acting in Shakespeare on film, RSC new writing department and Theatre Royal Bury.
200 word proposals should be sent to Chris O’Rourke, and Simon Ryle,

Monday, October 4, 2010

Bollywood Shakespeare 12/15/2010

Bollywood Shakespeare: Cultural Dialogues through World Cinema and Theater
Abstracts/drafts/letters of interest due by Dec. 15 2010. Email as attached to both: and
This collection of essays will focus on the way Shakespeare’s dramatic work is appropriated by different generations of Bollywood film artists to reflect on the complicated place Shakespeare has in the postcolonial English world canon. Ideally, we are looking for theoretical engagements with the latest adaptations of Shakespeare’s plays in contemporary Hindi cinema, such as Merchant Ivory’s Shakespeare Wallah (1965), Angoor (1982) directors like Vishal Bhadwaj’s Maqbool (2003) and Omkara (2006), Mehta’s Bollywood/Hollywood (2002) and Water (2006). However, we are also interested in how world cinema and theater responds to Bollywood's representation of "Shakespeare" by incorporating gestures and styles on stage and in different pop forms. Questions that drive this collection include...
--What aspects of Shakespeare's dramatic work appeal to Bollywood? As a popular cinema? What Shakespeare, exactly, becomes part of this popular cinema? How does Shakespeare's participation in the early modern "hodge podge" of cultural dramatic forms get picked up, or "identified" by Bollywood's mixture of aesthetics?
--Is the category "Bollywood" being broadened and/or misapplied when used in reference to Shakespeare films from India?
--How closely must the forms and aesthetics of Bollywood be followed for a Shakespeare film to be considered "Bollywood Shakespeare"?
--Does Bollywood Shakespeare suggest or point towards a transnational Shakespeare genre included in Bollywood’s global reach with audiences in the Middle East, Northern Africa, the subcontinent and diasporic communities in the UK, Europe, and North America?
--How does Shakespeare figure in the way Bollywood negotiates its relative "distance" to/from Hollywood? Bollywood posits itself against the Western film industry but Bollywood does not conform to aims of Third Cinema. Where does Shakespeare figure in this dynamic?
--What is distinct about Bollywood Shakespeare? That is, what makes this form of appropriation different from other cinemas? Asian Shakespeare on film? Third cinema?
Parmita Kapadia
Associate Professor
Department of English
Northern Kentucky University
Craig Dionne
Professor of English Literature
Eastern Michigan University
Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197

Open Call for Papers / Teaching Medieval and Renaissance Literature

This Rough Magic is affiliated with the State University of New York – Stony Brook and Suffolk County Community College. We are looking for academic articles devoted to the teaching of Medieval and Renaissance Literature. Paper themes should focus on, but are not limited to, the teaching of the following categories:
• Authorship
• Genre Issues
• Narrative Structure
• Poetry
• Drama
• Epic
• Nation/Empire/Class
• Economics
• History
• Religion
• Superstition
• Philosophy
• Rhetoric
• Race/Ethnicity
• Multi-Culturalism
• Gender
• Sexuality
• Art
Submissions must follow The MLA Handbook with regards to style and bibliography, will be sent for peer-review, and must be between 15 and 35 pages. Any illustrations should accompany the manuscript; edited texts should be in old-spelling with introduction, textual variants, and annotations each printed separately. Published essays will be reproduced in electronic form, followed by printed format at a later date. All submissions should be sent to the co-editors, Bente Videbaek and Michael Boecherer, at the following addresses:
Hardcopy Format:
Editors, This Rough Magic
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Department of English
Stony Brook, New York 11790
Electronic Format (.doc or .pdf): /
The submission deadlines are open. However, individuals wishing to be included in our third issue (Spring 2011) should submit no later than January 1st.
Young scholars and veteran faculty are encouraged to submit.For more information, check us out on the web!

Borderlands and Meeting Points The 6th Annual Brown University Graduate Student Conference

Borderlands and Meeting Points
The 6th Annual Brown University Graduate Student Conference
Key Note Speaker: Professor Timothy Snyder, Yale University
Brown University, Providence, RI
April 8-9, 2011
Borderlands and meeting points represent sites of exchange, mediation, cooperation, and conflict. As “in-between” areas, borderlands foster interactions between individuals, communities, and nations. Similarly, meeting points facilitate both ideological and physical contact. Such contact may involve not only political, economic, social and religious dynamics, but also evolving conceptions of self and other. Thus, whether real or imagined, borderlands and meeting points affect the way identities are variously constructed, perceived, negotiated, and performed.
This conference seeks to generate new interdisciplinary perspectives about borderlands and meeting points, putting into conversation fields such as history, literature, anthropology, political science, geography, law, and art. Through these conversations, we will consider the strategies – particularly cultural ones – that are employed at such sites both to pursue particular interests and to engender or resist change. The study of borderlands and meeting points presents us with a methodological and theoretical challenge: to find creative means of giving expression to people and interactions often shaped by charged political and ethnic concerns.
Potential paper topics include, but are not limited to, historical and/or theoretical explorations of the following:
-Urban, regional, and national space and identity
-Ethnic conflict or concord
-Cross-cultural interactions
-Circulation of ideas and materials
-Translation and interpreters
-Trade and commerce
-Religion, missionaries, and conversion
-Gender and sexuality
-Movement, migration and diaspora
Submission Guidelines:
Interested graduate students should submit a 250-word abstract by November 15, 2010. Each proposal should clearly state its relevancy to the conference theme. Candidates proposing full panels should also include a 150-word abstract on the organizing theme of the proposed panel. Successful candidates will be notified by early January and should submit final papers by March 14, 2010.
Email proposals to: Questions should be directed toward Laura Perille ( or Ania Borejsza-Wysocka (